Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New Year 2014

Today was pretty much a normal day, but on the other side: not at all! My plan for today was go to the post office, to the supermarket, get home again because we would have guests and then go out with my friends. A pretty nice way to celebrate New Year's Eve. Family and friends, what a good balance. Actually it's the first time ever I celebrate New Year with my friends!

I had to buy drinks at the supermarket, but I'm not really used to buy drinks with alcohol, so I didn't know what to buy.. My solution: choosing all the interesting and colourful ones. Blue, red, green and so on. The red one was with watermelon flavour, what a must-try.

After eating dinner with my family and the guests, I went to a friends flat. It was really funny until my head started to kill me. Yes.. I was a little drunk, but my head was still clear enough to think of my mission: to take photos of the many fireworks! We went out to set up our own fireworks, and I continued taking photos. Just.. Most part of the photos... You can't see anything.

Photo: Firework
Photo date: 1 January 2014
Taken by Annette Hui-Ying Li (me)
Camera: Canon EOS 600D

Friday, 20 December 2013

Hello mailbox

One postcard or letter is good. Two at once are better...
The postcard is from my pen friend Alisa from Russia! A beautiful postcard with matryoshka dolls on since she knows about my matryoshka obsession. How sweet of her. Actually I have a matryoshka doll at home, which looks pretty much a like the ones on the card.
The envelope is from my pen friend Polya from Russia. This letter contains a postcard from Prague, a Christmas card and a letter. The Christmas card is amazing and reminds me on white Christmas. So sad we don't have any snow here in Denmark yet. Maybe sooner.. I hope so. No white Christmas, but at least a white Winter.
Thank you!

Photo: 1. Postcard from my friend Alisa. 2. Letter with two postcards from my friend Polya.
Photo date: 20 December 2013
Taken by Annette Hui-Ying Li (me) 
Camera: Canon EOS 600D