I had to buy drinks at the supermarket, but I'm not really used to buy drinks with alcohol, so I didn't know what to buy.. My solution: choosing all the interesting and colourful ones. Blue, red, green and so on. The red one was with watermelon flavour, what a must-try.
After eating dinner with my family and the guests, I went to a friends flat. It was really funny until my head started to kill me. Yes.. I was a little drunk, but my head was still clear enough to think of my mission: to take photos of the many fireworks! We went out to set up our own fireworks, and I continued taking photos. Just.. Most part of the photos... You can't see anything.
Photo: Firework
Photo date: 1 January 2014
Taken by Annette Hui-Ying Li (me)
Camera: Canon EOS 600D