OMG! I was so excited! I've been waiting for this trip in a long time. Well, most because I get to know my new classmates better, but also because the trip itself! We had to live 3 days and 2 nights in the nature. We had to live in Indian tippy tents, and I've never tried that in my entire life before. 4 classes/study lines from my gymnasium were going to the camp in Kongensøre: The health class, the biotechnology class and the two science classes. From Copenhagen we drove in different busses to reach our destination, but when we arrived we still had to walk a long way and then through a forest. So, now we're here!
Later my class got divided into three groups. Actually every class got divided into three groups. Then we got some tasks. Not writing tasks, but tasks where we actually have to move around! But yeah.. Move around in the forest. We got points after every task, and at last they would count our points. If we didn't get many points, we would get less food! My team got good points and we really learned to work together.
After dinner we all went back to the camp, talked and just had fun. This trip is gonna be great!
Photo: First day in Kongensøre
Photo date: 23 August 2013
Taken by Annette Hui-Ying Li (me)