Saturday 1 June 2013

Anything for ice cream..

Yesterday? Beach. Today? More beach.I love the fact, that I live near the beach. So I was skateboarding to the beach, while my brother was on his scooter. Baaah.. A warm day with 23 degrees and sun all the way. First day of summer. Yes, I feel it! On our way to the beach, some person in a car started to honk, and I'm like "WTF? Do I know you?". Such a typical thought I have. Every time I hear someone honk, I think somebody knows me. But no... I'm not that popular. This time the person actually honked at me! And of course my brain automatically said "Yeah, I know: I'm cool. A girl who's skating, while wearing a dress". I'm just weird. Can't change anything about that.

I skated the whole beach, and trust me: my legs were all tired, and I was sweaty... Wearing Converse in summertime isn't a good idea at all, but who skate with flip flops? I don't wanna injure my feet. Then my brother said, that we should go to "Denmark's best ice cream shop", and I answered "If it isn't as good as you say, then you owe me a new ice cream". While waiting for our turn in the queue, I saw some tastings: looked like some kind of biscuits, so I ate one. Nope, not a biscuit, more like dried meat, but whatever... Maybe they sell meat and hotdogs too in this shop. Guess what? I freakin' found out it was DOG FOOD! When I found out, I hoped that nobody saw me, putting that piece in my mouth. Oh freak! I can officially say, that this time is the first time, I eat dog food. Long live Annette. Yay... Of the good things, that happened today, was the ice cream. My brother is right: this ice cream is great! So many delicious flavours they have! Mmmm... Forget all about the dog food. Ice cream makes me happy.

Photo: Mint chocolate, brownie and Daim
Photo date: 1 June 2013
Taken by Annette Hui-Ying Li (me)

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