Wednesday 8 May 2013

Rainy days..

Already from the morning it started to rain, and right when I was about to go, it started to rain even more... I decided to wear my rain jacket and rain pants. No umbrella since I cycle. When I finally got out, there wasn't as much rain, and when I was cycling, the rain had stopped! Uhhh.. I feel the hate.

At school we're just preparing for the final exams, but today we also got our "karakterblad" back. It's a paper, where all your marks in all subjects are on, and then you can find your average.
In Denmark our marks goes like this: -3, 00, 02, 4, 7, 10 and 12. 12 is the highest mark you can get. Last time we got our "karakterblad", my average was 9.83. Which is pretty good. I've always got an good average, since we started to get "karakterblad" in 7th grade. First time I got 8.9, second time I still got 8.9, third time I got 9.55 and fourth time was 9.83, which was last time. So, when I was pretty excited about this time. The first thing I do, when we get our "karakterblad" isn't to find my average: it's to count how many 7's I have. Unfortunately, I have five 7's this time! That means I have an average under 9.83. Wondering why I got 7 in both written English, oral English and History... What to do? Talk with my teachers! Found out it was all a mistake. A technical error. I didn't get 7 in the three subjects: 10 in written English, 10 in oral English and 12 in History. Which means I have an average on 10.11! The highest average in my year. I think.

Right after school, I went to my job interview in this supermarket named "Kvickly". Not really nervous, but more excited. The person, who interviewed me, was really kind and talkative, and I really felt like I already was a part of it. Then suddenly she talked about clothes, and asked what size I used. Wow.. Could it be? No, wait.. Yes! I got the job! So surprised I was. So, now I have a work. Haven't been on my first day yet, but it will be soon. Excited to blog about my new work. Gonna meet a lot of people/customers: the weird ones, the busy ones, the not-talking-Danish-at-all ones and blah blah.

Then I cycled to the neighbourhood to be with Steph and Rada. We went on a mission. Yup, you read right! On this mission we followed a person. Let's call him "Bob". The mission when great, just until the end... "Bob" busted me. But from distance, so maybe he didn't recognize me, even thought I'm 100% sure that he did. Mission failed!
While walking around the neighbourhood again, we saw these 4-7 ducks. Not normal ducks. Freakin' weird ducks, and Rada and I was sure, that we saw a female duck getting raped by a male duck. WTF? In fact I'm sure these ducks were following us three. They were like everywhere! We even named one of the ducks, because it had a special look, so yes! We recognized them, and know that they were following us. Mission complete... For them.

Rainy days doesn't mean sad days... They can be amazing and funny as sunny days.

Photo: You're beautiful as you are
Photo date: 8 May 2013
Taken by Annette Hui-Ying Li (me)

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